Tracking the change request from the entrance, to the assessment and quotation, until the approved new price is ready for invoicing. Digital workflows support the process (push email, in-app).
Easy capacity planning and indication of necessary escalation actions by displaying the currently open (not yet processed / not yet approved) change requests.
Price transparency, through a systematic tracking of price changes and automated transfer of approved price changes to the invoicing system.
[Price & Tool Tracker]
Globally unified calculations which take automotive-specific topics into account through a standardized calculation scheme and basic data from a central data pool (material prices, production times, calculation modules, forecast data for exchange rates, volumes ...).
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Reliable results through comparable product calculations from the past, as well as profit and cost details of running series.
[Calculation & Pricing System; ProductReport]
Reliable results through similar calculations of changes from the past.
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Familiar spreadsheet interface (Excel) with additional functions such as automatic archiving of calculation and transfer to the Price & Tool Tracker.
[Calculation & Pricing System; Price & Tool Tracker]
Digitalization supports price optimization in the changes through the system integrated presentation of pricing options.
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Transparency and motivation in the execution of price optimization through constant comparison of the achieved optimization results.
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Global uniform price level and help with the price optimization through the appearance of similar situations from the past as a reference.
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Successful price optimization by providing pricing-relevant information and the use of the opportunities of Big Data.
[Calculation & Pricing System]
Automated handover and presentation of results to the goal and acquisition report achieved by the price optimization.
[Calculation & Pricing System; GoalReport; ChangeReport]
Efficient quotation by the automated transfer of prizes to the respective customer schemes (open book, cost break-downs, 1804).
[Calculation & Pricing System]